Export data from CLM Explorer

  1. Open CLM Explorer and click File > Export to Excel
  2. Under Export What?, select Students
  3. In the Select Fields to Include section on the right, verify all fields are selected
  4. Verify Field Names in First Row
  5. Uncheck the Launch When Done box.
  6. Click Export
  7. Save the csv file to a folder on your computer
  8. Repeat steps 4-9, selecting Talk History, then Calendar instead.
  9. Now, you should have three files, Students.csv, Talk History.csv, and Calendar.csv in a folder.


Import CLM Explorer Data into KHS

  1. Open KHS
  2. Go to Import or Export
  3. Under Import, select CLM Explorer
  4. Navigate to the folder where you saved the CLM Explorer csv files.
  5. Select the Students.csv file, then click Select.
  6. KHS will now import your data (KHS will import the Talk History and Calendar csv files, if present, from the same folder students.csv is located)