- Windows 10 or newer.
- A display that supports 1024 x 768 or higher
- Personal email account (we recommend Gmail or
- Administrator user account
How to Download and Install KHS
if you are instaling KHS on an Apple Computer, see Installing KHS on an Apple Computer
- Download and install a NEW 30 day trial:
- Install KHS in the default location.
- Note: This is C:\Majestic Software\KHS
- Select Install a new copy of KHS with an empty database on the Setup screen
- After completing the installation, open KHS
- Select the program language
- At the Welcome screen enter the requested information and click Continue
- Note: This information creates the first congregation member record in your database.
- Select whether you are an Elder or Ministerial Servant
- Select the assigments you have. (CBoE, Life and Ministry Overseer, Secretary, etc.)
- Select the schedules you are responisble for.
- Note: These can be changed later from the Settings > Scheduling screen.
Please note the following:
- It is important to install KHS Windows Administrator. If you know what you are doing, you may be able to install without being a Windows Administrator, however, be aware this may cause problems with its operation.
- Some anti-virus software can interfere and cause problems with KHS. If you have any issues installing or running the program, add the folder where KHS is installed to the anti-virus software's exception/exclusion list. This option is usually found in the settings of the anti-virius software.