Barre d'outils Purpose

Add (Save)

Add a new blanks dates to the schedule. You can select the number of months of new blank dates to be inserted. When you change any value, this button can be used to Save the changes.

Delete (Undo)

Delete the current date from the schedule. When you change any value, this button can be used to Undo> the changes.
Rapports Display a list of print options.
Auto assigner Launches a screen to automatically assign sound, platform, video assistant, microphones, and main hall and door attendants. The program tracks when a brother was last used for an assignment and rotates the brothers automatically. You can also make adjustments to the rotation using the small boxes that precede each name. Simply drag a name up or down in the list.
Rappels Send reminder e-mails to those assigned for selected week.
Attributions help/sound.assignmentsSoundDef
Fields Purpose
Date The date of a specific meeting or a Monday date, depending on how you configure the schedule on the Options screen.
Audio Operator Assign qualified brothers to adjust the volume of the microphones, play the music for the songs, and display pictures or videos on the TV monitors. This field will be relabeled Video for sign language users.
Estrade Select a brother to care for the set up of the stage. This brother should make sure that all platform microphones are connected and working properly before the start of the meeting.  He should also check with brothers having parts if they require any special arrangements for microphones or placement of microphone stands.
Assistant la vido This field is for congregations that use a separate brother to handle all pictures and videos. If you do not need to assign a video assistant, go to Settings - Sound and uncheck Include video assistant.
Micros Assign brothers to handle the roving microphones. This field will be relabeled Cameras for sign language users.
Auditorium Attendants Assign brothers as attendants in the main hall.
Entrance Attendants Assign brothers as attendants to watch the door of the kingdom hall. If you do not need to assign door attendants, go to Settings - Sound and select Do not schedule.