Barre d'outils | Purpose |
Add (Save) |
Add a new person to the congregation or Save changes made to an existing record. |
Delete (Undo) |
Delete a person or Undo changes made to an existing record. Note: you normally would not delete a person as this would alter historical reports for the congregation. There are other methods to handle those who move away or are disfellowshipped. |
Rapports | A list of all available congregation reports. (see below for more details) |
Dmnag | If a person or family moves to a another congregation, select the family head and click Moved Away, then enter the date of the move. If they move back, select their name and click Undo Move. You can permantly remove names from this list by clicking Delete. |
Excommuni |
Select the name of the person who disassociated or was disfellowshipped and click Removed. If a person is later reinstated, select their name and click Reinstated. Click Delete to permantaely remove a name from this list. Click Print to view a report of all disassociated and disfellowshipped names. Note: You must be an elder or ministerial servant to access this screen. |
Identit | Purpose |
Prnom | First name of the person. |
Middle Name | The member's middle name |
Nom | Last name of the person. |
Last name | Suffix of the member's name (Jr., Sr., III, etc...) |
Nickname | The member's nickname / name the member goes by other than their legal first name. |
Display Name | The member's name as displayed throughout the program. |
N le | Date of birth. |
Enfant | Check if a small child or baby. |
Chef de Famille | Check if the "spiritual" head of the family. Applies to married sisters with unbelieving mates. |
Family member linked to | Select the "spiritual" head of house using the dropdown box. This dropdown is only visible if Family Head is unchecked. |
Address |
Mailing address. |
Portable | Mobile phone number. |
Home | Home phone number. |
Travail | Work phone number. |
Personal e-mail address. | |
Sourd(e) | Check if deaf. |
Aveugle | Check if blind. |
Infirmes | Check if the member is elderly or infirm. |
Dcd | Check if the person is deceased to remove their name from all schedules while retaining their past field ministry for reporting. Deceased persons should never be deleted from the database. |
Incarcerated | Check this box if member is incarcerated |
Utilise KHS | Check if a registered user of KHS. |
Privacy Consent | Check this box if you have received consent from publishers to use their personal information. This option is only applicable when the privacy protection feature is enabled or in regions where such a feature is required by law. |
Notes | Enter any comments about this member. (Notes are not included in the export files to other users of KHS). |
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Spiritual | Identit |
Proclamateur baptis | Check if baptized. |
Baptis le | Baptismal date. |
Proclamateur non-baptis | Check if approved as an unbaptized publisher. |
Proclamateur saisonnier | Check if they vacation in your area a few months out of the year but report their field ministry to their home congregation. This allows you to schedule them for meeting parts without affecting congregation reports to the branch. |
Oint | Check if anointed. |
Reoit une Tour de Garde (d. tude) | Check if they receive a printed study edition of the Watchtower. |
Reoit un cahier | Check if they receive a printed Life and Ministry Workbook. |
Cls | Check if given keys to the Kingdom Hall. You can optionally list any key codes. |
Groupe de Prdication: | Assign to a field service group. |
Responsable de Groupe | Check if a field service group overseer. |
Prpos au Groupe de Prdication | Check if a group servant. |
Adjoint de Groupe de Prdication | Check if a service group assistant. |
Contacts en cas d'urgence | Enter the names of the primary and third party contacts and their addresses for congregation members who are baptized or an unbaptized publisher and family head. A sister with an unbelieving husband should be marked as the family head so she will appear on the emergency contacts report. |
Special Needs and Unbelieving Family Members residing in household | Enter the names of those residing in the household that have special needs and/or unbelievers. |
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Appointments | Purpose |
Ancien | Check if an elder. |
Assistant ministriel | Check if a ministerial servant. |
Nomm le | Date a brother was appointed as an elder or a ministerial servant. |
Pionnier auxiliaire continu | Check if a continuous auxiliary pioneer. |
Pionnier permanent | Check if a regular pioneer. |
No de pionnier | Pioneer number assigned by the branch. |
commenc pionnier | Date last began serving as a regular pioneer. |
Pionnier spcial | Check if a special pioneer. |
Missionnaire | Check if a missionary. |
Emails Field Service Report directly to the Service Department | Check if they email their report directly to the Service Department. |
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Privileges | Purpose |
Coordinateur du collge d'anciens | Check if the coordinator of the body of elders. |
Secrtaire | Check if the congregation secretary. |
Responsable de la prdication | Check if the service overseer. |
Conducteur de l'tude de La Tour de Garde | Check if the Watchtower conductor. |
Responsable de la runion vie chrtienne et ministre | Check if the Life and Ministry overseer. |
coordinateur des discours publics | Check if the public talk coordinator. |
Volontaire DCL | Check if approved for LDC (Local Design\Construction). The following is required:
formulaire DC-50 expire le | If an LDC volunteer, enter the date their DC-50 application expires (every three years). KHS will alert you 30 days before their DC-50 expires. |
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Utilis pour | Purpose |
Prsident | Check if used as chairman for the Life and Ministry meeting. |
Auxiliary Classroom Counselor | Check if used as a counselor for an auxiliary class. |
Prire: | Check if used to pray for the Life and Ministry meeting. |
Discours | Check if used for the 10 min. talk. |
Recherchons des perles spirituelles | Check if used for Spiritual Gems. |
Premier contact | Check if used for the Initial Call. |
Nouvelle visite | Check if used for the a Return Visit. |
Cours biblique | Check if used for a Bible Study. |
Discours donn par frre | Check if used for the Talk by brother. |
Interlocuteur/trice | Check if used as an assistant. |
Ne pas utiliser dans l'cole principale. | Check if student is not to be scheduled in the main hall. |
Utiliser dans la salle principale seulement | Check if student only wants to be scheduled in the main hall. |
Parties | Check if used for Living as Christians parts. |
tude biblique de l'assemble | Check if used to conduct. |
Lecteur | Check if approved to read for the congregation bible study. |
Orateur public | Check if approved for public talks. |
Prsident Discours Public | Check if used as a chairman for the public talk. |
Lecteur la TG | Check if used to read the Watchtower. |
Famille hte | Check if used to host public speakers. |
Prpos | Check if used as an attendant in the main hall or in the lobby. |
Son | Check if used at the sound console. |
Assistant la vido | Check if used to assist with audio/visual. |
Micros | Check if used on microphones. |
Estrade | Check if used to care for the platform. |
Approuv | Check if approved for public witnessing. |
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Disponibilit | |
Add (Save) |
Add a date range this person will be unavailable for assignments.
Delete (Undo) |
Click Delete to remove a date range from the list. The caption for this button will change to Undo. |
Imprimer | Print a report of the members availablity. |
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Rapports | |
Numros de tlphone | You can prepare contact lists using any one of several available filters. |
Contacts en cas d'urgence | A report of names and phone numbers for members marked as "Family Head". This report is for elders only and as directed by the branch, includes the entire congregation. |
Update Contact Info | Generates email requesting updated contacting information including member's current contact information |
Statistiques de l'assemble | A snapshot of the members profile. |
Distribution de la Tour de Garde | This report lists who will receive a printed Watchtower (Study Edition). |
tiquettes pour la Tour de Garde | This option will print labels for any receiving a printed Watchtower (Study Edition). |
Distribution du cahier vie chtienne et ministre | This report lists who will receive a printed workbook. |
tiquettes vie chrtienne et ministre | This option will print labels for any receiving a printed workbook. |
Kingdom Hall Keys | A report of those that have been given Keys to the Kingdom Hall and the key number assigned to them. |
Attributions | A report of the congregation members are used. |
Collge | A report of the appointed men in the congregation and their assignments |
Share Contact Cards (vCards) | Email or text a .vcf file containing the contact information of all in the congregation. |
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