Toolbar Purpose
Download (Save)

Click Download to download the latest available workbook or click Save to save any changes to the database.

Delete (Undo)

Delete the current week from the schedule. If you change any value on the screen, this button will be relabeled Undo and must be clicked to undo any changes.
Reports Select from a list of available reports.
Cancel Click this button if the midweek meeting was cancelled. All assignments will be removed so the students can be rescheduled as soon as possible.
Students This screen is used to configure how students are used, past assignment history, and upcoming assignments.
  • Used For: configure how each student will be used and set how often they can be scheduled. The Enrolled button in the upper left toggles between Enrolled/Not Enrolled. Report provides a list of enrolled students or those not enrolled based on which list of names is currently displayed. Names appearing in gray cannot be scheduled.
  • History: view past assignments and edit as needed
  • Upcoming Assignments: view upcoming assignments scheduled for a student
Reminders Click this button to e-mail or text a reminder to anyone assigned a part for the selected week.
More Change song numbers or the title of a meeting part if needed.
Fields Purpose

Actual date of the midweek meeting.

Meeting Workbook

View the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook on

Auto Assign

Used by the Life and Ministry Overseer to automatically assign all meeting parts for the selected week.
Chairman Select an elder to serve as the chairman of the meeting.
Prayer Select a brother to open the meeting with prayer.

This talk is to be assigned to an elder or a qualified ministerial servant.

Spiritual Gems

To be handled by an elder or a qualified ministerial servant.

No. of Classes Select the number of student classes to be scheduled.
Bible Reading

This student assignment is to be handled by a brother.

Apply Yourself to Reading and Teaching

During the first week of each month, the Life and Ministry Meeting chairman will consider with the audience one study point from the Teaching brochure.

Initial Call Video

This part is to be handled by the Life and Ministry Meeting chairman.

Initial Call

This student assignment may be handled by a brother or a sister.

Initial Call assistant

The assistant should be of the same sex or should be a family member.

Return Visit Video

This part is to be handled by the Life and Ministry Meeting chairman.

Return Visit

This student assignment may be handled by a brother or a sister.

Return Visit assistant

The assistant should not be someone of the opposite sex.

Bible Study

This student assignment may be handled by a brother or a sister.

Bible Study assistant

The assistant should not be someone of the opposite sex.


This student assignment is to be handled by a Brother and given as a talk to the congregation.

At the conclusion of a midweek meeting, the Life and Ministry Overseer will enter the results of each student assignments by clicking the check box after each name to mark it completed or he can click Check all to mark all student assignments as completed. If a student did not complete an assignment and a substitute was used, click the Hand with a Pencil icon next to the check box and select Student canceled. You can optionally enter remarks for any student assignment.

Living As Christians

These parts may be assigned to elders or qualified ministerial servants, with the exception of a local needs part, which is handled by an elder.

Congregation Bible Study

This part is assigned to a qualified elder. Where the number of elders is limited, qualified ministerial servants may be assigned, as needed.


This is to be assigned to a brother approved by the body of elders to read for the congregation.

Color Alerts

Names highlighted in Yellow have been scheduled for more than one assignment on the same date.

Names highlighted in Red are not set up to be used for that specific assignment or they are set to Do NOT schedule on the Students screen.

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See Also

Report Output Options